Information for students

Consultations FOR STUDENTS

Consultations during the semester. SUMMER 2023/2024

Monday, Tuesday – 07.30-08.15.

Consultations possible via e-mail, eTele, in real life (P2-109).

Consultation for Erasmus+ Students:

Monday, Tuesday – 07.30-08.15.

Consultations FOR graduate student

Consultations take place at the hours given below/above, after prior e-mail contact and confirmation of the meeting.

graduate student

Each Student who writes an engineering/master’s thesis should submit the thesis to the supervisor for checking no later than 4 weeks before the planned defense date. ONLY printed works are accepted for checking. After obtaining the supervisor’s approval, the work should be uploaded to the website:, in accordance with the instructions provided on this website. After completing the thesis verification process in APD, a printed, thermally bound version of the thesis should be submitted to COS no later than 1 week before the defense. Works in a hard cover. The Student gives one copy to the supervisor and the reviewer.

ASSESSMENT correction

All Students may improve their grade in a given subject within a period not exceeding the date of passing a given subject in the current semester/year, provided that I am still teaching this subject. It is the Student’s responsibility to check the dates published by me on my subpages regarding given subjects during the ending semester, so that he or she has information about when he or she should finally apply for the exam.


Assoc. Prof. Szczepan Paszkiel, PhD, DSc

Witam wszystkich na mojej stronie internetowej. Pracuje na stanowisku Profesora Uczelni na Wydziale Elektrotechniki, Automatyki i Informatyki Politechniki Opolskiej. Prowadzę badania naukowe z zakresu Brain Computer Interfaces. Specjalność: cybernetyka, sterowanie ruchem, inteligentne systemy, inżynieria biomedyczna, neuroinformatyka, sieci komputerowe i systemy baz danych, systemy komputerowe.

Associate Professor Szczepan Paszkiel is a graduate of Opole University of Technology in computer science and management and production engineering, a holder of a scholarship for outstanding achievements in study endowed by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of Poland. His research work concentrates on the processing of the EEG signal. He is an author and a co-author of many academic publications.


Assoc. Prof. Szczepan Paszkiel PhD, DSc works as an University Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control & Informatics at Opole University of Technology. He obtained a Ph.D. in Technical Sciences (automatics and robotics) in 2011, Habilitation in 2021. His research interests focus on modern methods of control systems, brain-computer technology and modeling of neuronal cell fractions.

Assoc. Prof. Szczepan Paszkiel Ph.D, DSc is the author of more than one hundred publications including those from ISI Master Journal List and a lecturer on several dozen scientific conferences, festivals and panel discussions. He is the winner of many prizes and competitions including those organised by Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Republic of Poland and the recipient of grants for young scientists. He is also the editor of the monographs entitled: „Applications of Brain-Computer Interfaces in Intelligent Technologies”, Series Title: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Series Volume, Springer International Publishing 2022; „Analysis and Classification of EEG Signals for Brain–Computer Interfaces”, Series Title: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Series Volume 852, Springer International Publishing 2020 and co-editor of the monographs entitled: Control, Computer Engineering and Neuroscience, Proceedings of IC Brain Computer Interface 2021, Book Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), Springer 2021 - 4th International Scientific Conference on Brain-Computer Interfaces, BCI 2022, October 17-18, Opole, Poland; „Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience, Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference on Brain-Computer Interfaces, BCI 2018, March13-14, Opole, Poland”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC, volume 720) Springer; "Contemporary problems of biomedical engineering and neurosciences’, Opole University of Technology Publishing, 2016; the author of the first handbook in Poland entitled ‘Brain-computer Interfaces. Neuroinformatics’, 2014; the reviewer of: Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Magazine; Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier B.V.; IFAC-PapersOnLine; Advances in Computer Science Research; Informatics, Automatics, Control Measurement in Economy and Environment Protection, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing Series – Springer; a member of Metrology Comission, Polish Academy of Sciences, Katowice Branch; a member of Faculty Engineering, Automatic Control and Informatics Council, Opole University of Technology; nowadays a member of few commissions that operate at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Informatics, Opole University of Technology; the chairman of the Programme Commission for biomedical engineering at Opole University of Technology; an expert and representative of the National Centre for Research and Development; the Centre of OPI Processing Information in the National Research Centre (PIB); of the European Commission and Wroclaw Research Centre EIT ; a member of expertise panels and pre-panels in the National Centre for Research and Development including being a chairman of expert teams and a head expert; the chairman of the Organizational Committee and the head organizer of the International Scientific Conference on Brain Computer Interfaces in Opole.

Conferences and Membership in Scientific Committees

List of conferences, panels, seminars, science festivals and Membership in Scientific Committees


List of publications

Editorial and Reviewers Board

Editorial and Reviewers Board

Membership in expert teams

List of membership in expert teams

organizational activities

List of organizational activities


List of projects

Lab NeuroScience

Basic information on the Laboratory of Neuroinformatics and Decision Systems

courses and internships

List of courses and internships

awards and scholarships

List of awards and scholarships

fields of study

List of completed fields of study


Information on the Brain-Computer International Scientific Conference IC BCI OPOLE POLAND


This section provides information on the courses that I teach.